Well, taking, importing or exporting humans or buying or selling them, for slavery or to enslave them or to keep them in a position similar to a slave is punishable with imprisonment of not more than seven years and fine not more than fourteen thousand baht.
If the damaged person is under 15, the offender shall be imprisoned from three years to 10 years and fine not more than twenty thousand baht. If the damaged person is affected either mentally or bodily, the offender is imprisoned from five to fifteen years and fine not more than thirty thousand baht.
If the damaged person is severely harmed, the offender shall be imprisoned for lift or imprisonment from seven to twenty years.
If the damaged person dies because of the offence, the offender shall be punished with death or imprisonment for life or imprisonment from fifteen years to twenty years.
Any person receiving the damaged person from the offender for furthering such illegal practices shall be imprisoned not more than five years. The offender is still guilty though he/she has given consent to the offender if the damaged person is under 18 years old.
If the damaged person is under fifteen years old, the imprisonment for that is higher but not more than seven years.